Create School Management System || Student list

Md Imran

Student List || School Management System || SMS

          This provided HTML and JavaScript code create a user interface for selecting student lists based on various criteria and printing the results. Here's a brief overview of the functionality:

HTML Structure:

  • Selectors for Filtering Students:

    • stt3: Filter by type (School, Hostal).
    • stt4: Filter by residency status (Outer, Stayer).
    • vstlist: A dynamic dropdown that is populated with student names or other data.
    • stdlc: Filter by class (Nursery, LKG, etc.).
    • stdls: Filter by section (A, B, C, D).
  • Refresh and Info Display:

    • refreshstl: An icon to refresh the student list.
    • stdlinfo: An element to display information about the number of records found.
  • Print Button:

    • A button to print the student list.
  • Result Display:

    • stdlresult: A div to display the resulting student list.

JavaScript Functions:

  1. stdlist():

    • Gathers selected filter values.
    • Updates the student list based on the selected criteria.
    • Uses Google Apps Script ( to fetch the filtered student list and handle success and failure scenarios.
  2. kPrint(id):

    • Opens a new window and prepares the content for printing.
    • Formats the print layout and includes the current date and a footer message.
    • Prints the content and then closes the print window.
Put the following code inside the student-list.html :

<div class="w3-row-padding w3-border-bottom">
<div class="w3-col s4">
    <select id="stt3" class="w3-select w3-col s3 w3-pale-red"onchange="stdlist()">
    <option value="ALL">default</option>
    <option value="School">School</option>  
    <option value="Hostal">Hostal</option>
    <select id="stt4" class="w3-select w3-col s3 w3-pale-red"onchange="stdlist()">
    <option value="ALL">default</option>
    <option value="Outer">Outer</option>
    <option value="Stayer">Stayer</option>
    <select id="vstlist"class="w3-select w3-col s6 cap w3-pale-blue"onchange="stdlist()">
    <option value="">Loading...</option></select>
<div class="w3-col s2">
    <select id="stdlc"onchange="stdlist()"class="w3-select w3-col s8 w3-pale-yellow">
    <option value="">CLASS</option>
    <option value="N&8">Active</option>
    <option value="P&L">Deactive</option>
    <option value="All">All</option>
    <option value="Nur">Nursery</option>
    <option value="LKG">LKG</option>
    <option value="UKG">UKG</option>
    <option value="I">I</option>
    <option value="II">II</option>
    <option value="III">III</option>
    <option value="IV">IV</option>
    <option value="V">V</option>
    <option value="VI">VI</option>
    <option value="VII">VII</option>
    <option value="VIII">VIII</option>
    <option value="Pending">Pending</option>
    <option value="Leaved">Leaved</option>
    <select id="stdls" onchange="stdlist()"class="w3-select w3-col s4 w3-pale-yellow">
    <option value="ALL">ALL</option>
    <option value="A">A</option>
    <option value="B">B</option>
    <option value="C">C</option>
    <option value="D">D</option>
<div class="w3-col s5">
<i id="refreshstl" class="fa fa-circle-o-notch fa-0"onclick="stdlist()"
<i id="stdlinfo"style="margin-top:15px"></i>

<div class="w3-col s1 w3-right">
<input type="button" name="btnprint" value="Print" onclick="kPrint('stdlresult')"
class="w3-btn w3-teal w3-hover-red">
<div style="overflow: auto;height:520px;">
<div id="stdlresult"align="center"></div></div>
    function stdlist() {
     var nel1   = document.getElementById('stdlc');
     var nv1    = nel1.options[nel1.selectedIndex].value;
     var sec1   = document.getElementById('stdls');
     var secv1  = sec1.options[sec1.selectedIndex].value;
     var stt    = document.getElementById('stt3');
     var stt1   = stt.options[stt.selectedIndex].value;
     var stx    = document.getElementById('stt4');
     var stt2   = stx.options[stx.selectedIndex].value;
     var stl    = document.getElementById('vstlist');
     var sttv   = stl.options[stl.selectedIndex].value;
     var stdlist = document.querySelector('#stdlresult');
     if(secv1 === "" || nv1 === ""){
     document.getElementById('stdlinfo').innerHTML = "";
     function fail0(error){
     stdlist.innerHTML = "<span style='color:red'>"+error+"</span>";
     document.getElementById('stdlinfo').innerHTML = "";
     function pass0(reList){
     stdlist.innerHTML = reList;
     var cts1 =document.getElementById('ts').rows.length-1;
     document.getElementById('stdlinfo').innerHTML = cts1+" Records found.";

     let adreg = document.querySelector('#adreg').value;
     stdlist.innerHTML = "";
     document.getElementById('stdlinfo').innerHTML = "Working on...";

function kPrint(id) {
   var iPrint = document.getElementById(id).innerHTML;
   var dt = new Date();
   var nel1    = document.getElementById('stdlc');
   var nv1     = nel1.options[nel1.selectedIndex].value;
   var sec1    = document.getElementById('stdls');
   var secv1     = sec1.options[sec1.selectedIndex].value;;
   dp.document.write('<!DOCTYPE html>');
   dp.document.write('<head><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">');
   dp.document.write('<style type="text/css">@page{size:auto;}table,div{break-inside: avoid;}');
font-size:12px;border:1px solid #CCC;width:100%;}td{padding:0px; margin:0px;border: 1px solid #CCC;}
th{background-color: #232C8B; color: #FFF; font-weight: bold;}.h11{display:none;}</style>');
   dp.document.write('</head><center><body onLoad="self.print()">');
   dp.document.write('<font face=times size=1px>
Date of issue:'+dt+'&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
|&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;℗Power by
Imran Websoft Technology.</font></center></body></html>');
   dp.onafterprint = window.close;

Paste the following code below to previous code inside file

function studentList(nv1, secv1, adreg, stt1, stt2, sttv) { var ws = SpreadsheetApp.openById(adreg).getSheetByName("addatastore"); var tr = ws.getDataRange().getValues(); var wr = '<table width=100% id=ts>'; for (var i = 0; i < tr.length; i++) { var spt = tr[i][35].toLocaleString(); if (nv1 == "N&8") { var cv = tr[i][36] == "Nur" || tr[i][36] == "LKG" || tr[i][36] == "UKG" || tr[i][36] == "I" || tr[i][36] == "II" || tr[i][36] == "III" || tr[i][36] == "IV" || tr[i][36] == "V" || tr[i][36] == "VI" || tr[i][36] == "VII" || tr[i][36] == "VIII"; } else if (nv1 == "P&L") { var cv = tr[i][36] == "Leaved" || tr[i][36] == "Pending"; } else if (nv1 == "All") { var cv = tr[i][36] != ""; } else { var cv = tr[i][36] == nv1; } if (stt1 == "ALL") { var sv1 = tr[i][31] != ''; } else { var sv1 = tr[i][31] == stt1; } if (stt2 == "ALL") { var sv2 = tr[i][32] != ''; } else { var sv2 = tr[i][32] == stt2; } if (sttv == "ALL") { var svl = tr[i][14] != ''; } else { var svl = tr[i][14] == sttv; } if (secv1 == "ALL") { var sec = tr[i][37] != ''; } else { var sec = tr[i][37] == secv1; } if (sv1 && sv2 && svl && cv && sec) { var gn = tr[i][3]; wr += "<tr class=cap><td valign=top width=60px rowspan=4>" + "<img src='" + tr[i][1] + "' width=65px height=75px></td><td>Name:</td><td>" + tr[i][2] + "</td>" + "<td>Address(P):</td><td class=cap>" + tr[i][8] + ", " + tr[i][9] + ", " + tr[i][10] + ", " + tr[i][11] + "," + tr[i][12] + ", " + tr[i][13] + "</td></tr><tr><td>DOB:</td><td>" + tr[i][4] + " (" + gn[0] + " - " + tr[i][5] + ")" + "</td><td>Address(T):</td><td class=cap>" + tr[i][14] + ", " + tr[i][15] + ", " + tr[i][16] + ", " + tr[i][17] + ", " + tr[i][18] + "</td></tr><tr><td>DocNo.</td><td>" + tr[i][22] + " - " + tr[i][21] + "</td><td>Sponsor:</td><td class=cap>" + tr[i][41] + " (" + tr[i][42] + "),+91" + tr[i][43] + "," + tr[i][44] + "</td></tr>" + "<tr><td>Father's name:</td><td class=cap>" + tr[i][6] + "</td><td>PRS</td><td>" + tr[i][24] + "," + tr[i][25] + "," + tr[i][26] + "," + tr[i][27] + "</td></tr><tr><th>" + tr[i][0] + "</th><td>Mother's name:</td><td class=cap>" + tr[i][7] + "</td><td>Adm.Detail</td><td>" + tr[i][31] + "," + tr[i][32] + ", Ad.charge-" + tr[i][33] + "," + tr[i][34] + ", Ad.Date-" + tr[i][35] + "</td></tr><tr><td align=center>BANK</td><td class=cap>" + tr[i][50] + "</td><td>" + tr[i][49] + "</td><td>Other:</td><td></td></tr><tr><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr>"; } } wr += '</table>'; return wr; }

Variables and Data Extraction:
  • ws: Opens the specified Google Sheet by its ID.
  • tr: Retrieves all the data from the sheet.
Loop Through Data:
  • Iterates through each row of the data.
  • Extracts specific columns from the current row (studentData).
Filtering Conditions:
  • matchesClass: Checks if the student's class matches the selected filter.
  • matchesType1, matchesType2: Checks if the student's types match the selected filters.
  • matchesAddressTemp: Checks if the student's temporary address matches the selected filter.
  • matchesSection: Checks if the student's section matches the selected filter.
Building HTML Table Rows:
  • If all conditions are met, the function constructs the HTML for a table row with student information.
  • Concatenates the relevant student details into the wr string.
Return the HTML String:
  • The function returns the constructed HTML string for the student list

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