School Management Software using Apps script, JavaScript and Google sheet for free

Apps script lab, School management system, Codylab, free code for apps script, Google spreadsheet, apps script website, webapps, firebase apps script
Md Imran

 Let's Create School Management Software using Apps script, JavaScript and Google sheet for free.

Create School Management System Page-1 || Basic detail 

        Hello friends! We're excited to offer you the code to create your very own web app. This web app allows you to manage your school for free and can be customized to fit your specific needs. Feel free to modify the code as you see fit and make it your own.

Let's understand the futures of this webapps: 

  1. This web application features a login page for user verification. If the user's flag is set to true, access is granted to the index page; otherwise, the user is redirected back to the login page.       
  2. The web app contains multiple pages, allowing for navigation and exploration of each one individually. Each page includes various tasks to complete.
  3. Additionally, each page comprises groups or sections. Clicking on a section displays related pages.
  4. With this web application, you can handle a variety of administrative tasks including:

    • New admissions
    • Student lists
    • Class management
    • Admission receipts
    • ID card creation
    • Student image management
    • Staff addition and staff lists
    • Payments and cash entries
    • Payment histories and due reports
    • Charging tables
    • Payment settings
    • Attendance sheets
    • Result entries
    • Admit cards
    • Result cards
    • Result reports
    • Result settings

    and much more.

Let's create-
 First go to Home - Google Drive and create a blank spreadsheet as following-
Now create sheets on spreadsheet as follows:
The spreadsheet has five sheets namely logs, allUsers, validated, current and codygo. These all sheets are necessary to run the project.
                  You can also make a copy of above Spreadsheet from here - Make a copy
In copied Spreadsheet has all templates name that are required to run the project. If not available, you can create as follows:

To open the project, click on Extension>Apps script in your Spreadsheet.

Now you will find your project opened. The next step is to create all the pages and their corresponding functions, and then connect them to the server-side data. This will be done step by step to ensure the project is completed successfully. Here, we will create a file named "" where we will place all the server-side functions. On the top of this file, we will put following variables:

var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var alu = ss.getSheetByName('allUsers')
var vUsers = ss.getSheetByName('validated');
var cUsers = ss.getSheetByName('current');
var logs = ss.getSheetByName('logs');
var reoprv = ss.getSheetByName('codygo');
var z = (num, places) => String(num).padStart(places, '0');
var time = Utilities.formatDate(new Date(),Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().timeZone, 'yyyy-MM-dd\'T\'HH:mm:ss');

function include(filename) {return HtmlService.createHtmlOutputFromFile(filename).getContent();}
function getUrl() {var url = ScriptApp.getService().getUrl();return url;}

Using the variables defined above, we will set up the functions to get or set values in the database (Spreadsheet).

Defined variables and their uses:

  • var alu: This variable stores all registered users.
  • var vUsers: This variable store all verified users.
  • var cUsers: This variable store user who are currently logged in.
  • var logs: This variable store user logs to show the activities of users.
  • var reoprv: After a successful login, this variable serves the database from here. 
  • var z: This variable holds a function that takes a number and a specified number of places, then returns the number as a string, padded with leading zeros to the specified length.
  • var time: This variable holds the current date and time formatted as a string in ISO 8601 format (e.g., 2024-07-03T15:04:05), using the user's local time zone.
Here’s how you might use these variables in your server-side functions.
                                                  Create School Management System Page-2 || Login Page  

1 comment

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