Mit app inventor - Create an android app with the help of AppsScript and Google sheet.
Hi friends, In this post we are going to show the example of an android apk. I have used mit app inventor platform to create the android apk, AppsScript as function operator and Google sheet as data store. After submitting a new entry app show you a respone in which you get submition Id.
Let's see the process of creating:
First create a google sheet as given example.
function doGet(e){
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openById(" spreadsheet id")
var sheet = ss.getSheetByName('Sheet1');
var name = ;
var phone = ;
var complain = e.parameter.complain;
var cid = new Date().getTime();
return ContentService
.createTextOutput("Your complain is successfully submited with ID:"+cid);
Now move to where we create an android apk using google web app url and mit app inventor. See the following images for hints.
Design your app using designer as following.
Arrange the blocks as following example and test your app in MIT AI2 companion for more, please following tutorial .
You can also download aia file of this app to get your app developed soon. To download aia file, click here.
For hints, please watch following video.
CodyLab Blogger CodyLab Blogger |
Have a nice day!
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